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Ads and Funnels
Understand the different types of templates we have, full walk-throughs of our most common ads so you know how they work, and FAQs.
3D/Google Earth Map Video Capture
Should I have multiple Facebook ads?
Lead ad VS Conversion ad
Traffic VS. Page Post
How to launch an ad?
Reviewing your Ad Performance
Home Valuation Capture Process
How to launch the Sellers Home Valuation (conversion) Ads
Successful Ad Imagery increased by using Canva + saturation.
Copy of '12 tips to sell your home' PDF
Are my Ads live and running?
How do I change my Facebook advertising budget?
When should I reset my ads?
Can I run ads in a different language?
My ad is in learning phase
How to archive/hide ads
Where are my inactive/off ads?
What is Redirect URL/destination website?
How do I shut off or pause my ad?
What should I do with negative Facebook comments?
Can I save a draft of an ad?
My FB page post is not showing in the ad template to select
Managed Ads (add-on) service information
How much should my daily Facebook budget be?