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How to embed a BombBomb video into your email templates
How to embed a BombBomb video into your email templates

How to add BombBomb videos into your automated emails

JC avatar
Written by JC
Updated over a week ago
  1. First, download the BombBomb Chrome Extension ⬅️ if you don't have one yet.

If you learn better by watching a video explanation, check out this video below:

**Be sure to scroll to the bottom if you watch the video over the text explanation to see key points for your own BombBomb videos.**

Start here for the text explanation:

Click on the BombBomb extension on the top right-hand corner of your browser. You can also click "copy for email" from your video on BombBomb's website if you don't have the extension. The extension is a game-changer.

2. Next, select "Videos"

3. Click the 3 dots by the video that you want to add to your email
4. Click "Copy for Email" (use "copy link" if you wish to send your video via text or messenger for example).

5. Go to your StreetText emails, and click edit on the email you wish to add the video.

6. Click the spot in the email where you want to add the video and paste the copied code directly into the email using Ctrl+V (PC) or Command+V (Mac). Make sure you sandwich your video! Read "Key points..." below to understand why to sandwich your video.

7. Call to Action: Be sure to add text above the video asking people to watch the video. We recommend avoiding using the word "click," and instead, use something like, "Meet me below."

BombBomb key points for your video

1. Do all your introduction emails contain: Empathy, Value, & Call to Action?

EMPATHY: For example: "I can only imagine how disappointed you were to find no home value on the other side of your Facebook click."

VALUE: Currently, the internet is about six months behind, and their algorithm doesn't consider local data OR any updates to your home, so I wanted to say thank you by offering you a custom, in-depth, no-obligation home value.

CTA (Call to Action): To say thank you for supporting small businesses, I wanted to give you a few easy ways to connect about your home...(Think zoom, facetime, text, phone, pictures, etc).

*Keep intro video less than a minute, ideally 30-45 seconds

2. Subject Lines should have clarity or create curiosity. For example:

🎥VIDEO for Markus Willard RE. your home value on 133 Glenridge Ave.

3. Make sure you have text above and below the video - “Sandwich” the video.

Understanding the BombBomb sandwich: Whenever you're inserting a video into your emails, always keep the "sandwich" concept in mind. By that, we mean you want to make sure you have text above and below your video. Why? If there is no text above your video, the URL from the video will pull into the subject line and if there is no text below your video, the video will collapse into the three little ... you see at the bottom of an email and your prospects won't realize you have a video. Always remember the BombBomb sandwich.

**If you do not have a BombBomb account yet, you can start a free BombBomb 14-day trial.

**Check out this webinar we had with Alicia Berruti from BombBomb on "How to WIN Leads & Nurture Relationships through Video Email." Highly recommend watching if you will be using video, whether it's BombBomb or another provider.**

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

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