Every "No" earns me 1300!
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Written by JC
Updated over a week ago

Real Estate business is a business of rejections.  On daily basis, realtors have to hear and deal with so many "NOs" before they get  a "YES!"

Rejections can easily drain self-confidence and make you start doubting yourself. Unless you decide to change your mindset about how to approach rejections.

Julia Hurley, a very successful realtor in Knoxville, Tennesse, has a unique way of looking at "Nos".  "Your mindset changes everything when you take rejection in a positive way" - says Julia. She thanks people for telling her NO, because every NO on average earns her 1,300.  Click here to learn how.  

 Here you can find more clips from Julia's Hurley webinar that covers her strategies and approach. 

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