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Email Submission Follow Up Walk Through

Step-by-step walk through on how to follow up with email submissions

JC avatar
Written by JC
Updated over a week ago

Here is an example of a process to follow when you receive an email submission. Try to follow up on the opportunity right away and make it as personable as possible. 

Right Away 

As soon as somebody requests a home valuation, set it up so that they are sent an auto email.  Here are a couple of templates from our experienced clients.  

To learn how to connect your StreetText to a CRM through email parsing click here or how to connect StreetTect to a CRM via Zapier click here.    

Next 24 Hours
In the next 24 hours prepare and send the home evaluation. Base it on the owners' tax records but don't provide a direct amount. Your goal is to give just enough info to keep the lead curious and wanting to meet with you.  Specifically, mention that you would love to speak to the homeowner further and tell them more about their area, and yourself as a person.

Day 1
Many of our successful clients, always follow up with a handwritten letter even if they have the lead's email address. “A lot of people don’t reply to your emails, but when you send a personalized letter, people almost always acknowledge it. People always open letters.” - says Gina Wade. Here are a couple of examples of letters or postcards to send out.

Weekly Email

Once the previous correspondence was sent out, place your leads on a pre-scheduled email campaign.  The purpose of the campaign and the condition of your market will determine the length, frequency, and content.  As a general rule, make it  5-6 weeks long and keep the content relevant (include local information to show that you really know the area). Make sure to update it every few months so that the campaign feels fresh and enticing. Below are some samples that you can use for your drip campaigns. 

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