FCC/TCPA governs telephone and text messaging. As of Jan 27th, 2025 they will be enforcing new rules a brief break down of these rules are as follows:
Conversational messages are business as usual (Lead initiated the message)
Transactional messages are business as usual (providing a phone number is implied permission)
Marketing and Promotional messages need opt-in permission to send.
Leads must give one-to-one consent. Meaning every business that will be contacting that lead must have prior consent.
Business must be visible when collecting consent
Opt in date/time, source, and context (nature of the inquiry/offer) must be recorded
There is a lot of concern over the new rules that are being enforced. The good news is that all your current ads and texts fall within compliancy for the new rules. As the submissions are inquires for various different services they fall under transactional messaging and therefore do not need opt-in permission.
If you were to be sending promotional messaging (ie. get 20% off...) this would require written consent in the form of an opt in.
Here is a graphic that will help explain:
What is Transactional vs. Promotional?
StreetText will always try and remain ahead of the curve to help make sure that you are always in compliance. We are plan on a number updates that will go above and beyond the new rules that will also keep you compliant and future proof.